Meeting Links/Forms/Resources
Subcommittee Meeting Links
Area Service Meeting: Second Sunday of the Month 9:30 am
United Steelworkers
115 Albert St, Oshawa, ON L1H 4R3
Public Relations: Second Monday of the month 6:30 pm
New Life 7th Seventh-day Adventist Church
33 Olive Ave, Oshawa, ON L1H 2N7
Zoom ID# 90222006950
Password: 617391
Hospitals and Institutions: Third Monday of the month 6:30 p.m
New Life 7th Seventh-day Adventist Church
33 Olive Ave, Oshawa, ON L1H 2N7
Activities: Last Monday of the month 6:30 p.m
New Life 7th Seventh-day Adventist Church
33 Olive Ave, Oshawa, ON L1H 2N7
Regional Service Commitments
The Ontario Regional Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous meets the third Sunday in January, April, July and October at 10am EST on the Zoom platform. Anyone can join us.
Meeting ID: 834 1486 5893
Password: 777086
Ontario Region and Manitoba Area 1st Annual Planning Meeting 2021 - an online event for RCMs, ORSCNA Officers and all interested members. Saturday, October 16th. 9:00 AM until noon
Meeting ID: 848 0649 7870
Password: 590139
The Regional Fellowship Development Team meets the last Sunday of every month at 6pm EST on the Zoom platform. Anyone can join us.
Meeting ID: 874 1302 2651
No password
The Regional Hospitals & Institutions Workgroup meets quarterly and the next meeting date is yet to be determined. Please check back regularly for updates.
Meeting ID: 890 4480 8475
Password: 373725
Current Fellowship Development Workgroups:
1. Regional Newcomer Development Workgroup
2. Regional H&I Workgroup
3. Accessibility for Addicts with Additional Needs Workgroup
4. Phoneline Workgroup
5. Media Relations Workgroup
6. Policy Workgroup
7. Attracting Members to Service Workgroup
If you'd like to join any of the above-mentioned workgroups, please email
Forms / Reports / Help Line

Activities Policies & Procedures

Hospitals & Institutions Policies and Procedures.

Public Information Policies & Proceedures

A Guide to Local Service
Click on the link for WS new Service Tool Kit GSR Tool Kit

Service Literature

Service Literature

For the Young Addict

Am I an Addict?

Recovery and Relapse

The Group

Working Step 4


The Triangle of Self Obsession

Mental Health & Recovery

Self Acceptance

Another Look

PR Handout
World Services
Reaching Out is NA's World Services Newsletter. It is released every 3 months. Visit World Service Newsletter for past editions.
Welcome to Reaching Out! Whether you are an NA member, a professional who works with recovering addicts, an incarcerated member or a member who provides Hospital and Institution service, this NA World Services newsletter may be a resource for you. Reaching Out in its design helps incarcerated addicts connect to the NA program of recovery, enhances H&I efforts and offers experience from members who successfully transitioned from the ‘inside’ to be productive members of society. The section “From the Inside” is filled with letters and artwork from incarcerated addicts who share their experience, strength and hope as they find and maintain recovery from addiction through NA. “From the Outside” section features stories from members who are living drug free in the community and have previously been incarcerated. Often, there is artwork from members on the ‘outside’. Additionally, this section offers experience from H&I members who value and are deeply committed to carrying the NA message of recovery to addicts who are unable to attend regular NA community meetings. These letters are inspirational for many as they offer hope for a new way to live and they provide evidence of the efficacy of the NA program for any reader.